A senior Labour politician has dismissed any prospect of a deal with the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas after the next general election.
Angela Eagle, the Shadow Leader of the House of Commons, was reported to have made her remarks at a fringe meeting at the Labour Party conference in Manchester.

According to a BBC report, Ms Eagle said that Dr Lucas “spends all of her time in Brighton slagging the Labour Party off because she knows that if she loses her seat, she will lose it to the Labour Party”.
She added: “We don’t want to get into some kind of sado-masochistic relationship with Caroline Lucas.
“We want to take Brighton back and that is what we are trying to do.”
The panel at the Fabian Society fringe meeting included Katie Ghose, the chief executive of the Electoral Reform Society and a former student at BHASVIC (Brighton, Hove and Sussex VI Form College).
She added: “We don’t want to get into some kind of sado-masochistic relationship with Caroline Lucas.” … when of course, she fantasizes about nothing else. Doth protest too, much? etc etc.
Is it any wonder Lucas slags off Labour, they have long departed from their mission to improve the lot of ordinary people.
At the Labour Party conference we have been promised 200000 new homes a year when we need 250000 a year just to stand still, Labour support for fracking and that Balls is apparently going to announce support for a 3rd runway at Heathrow, makes a total mockery of preventing climate change and the one I found must disgusting was all hullabaloo made about a minimum wage of £8 per hour by 2020; they are just going to raise a minimum wage by inflation! If you are slaving away, working hard and long hours for a pittance, Labour will ensure you continue to do so! Disgusting!
Is it any wonder so many Scots wanted to rid themselves of not just the Conservatives, but Labour as well?
Keep the pressure up CL!
I agree that labout has longlost its link with thepoor and disadvantaged-their values are esentially self centered and upper class-they did nothing to oppose rent increases for council teneants and they take nogenuine interest in anyone who is vulnerable in any way-well done CL!