A petition to refurbish public toilets in Preston Park has succeeded in convincing Brighton and Hove City Council something should be done.
![Picture of the Rotunda Cafe by Dominic Alves on Flickr](https://www.brightonandhovenews.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/rotunda-cafe-by-Dominic-Alves-300x188.jpg)
More than 1,400 people have signed the petition protesting at dilapidated and unhygenic conditions started by Francis Incorvaja, who owns the Rotunda Cafe next to the toilets.
The signatures were presented to last Thursday’s full council meeting by Conservative Preston Park Ward candidate Lee Wares.
Supported by a motion presented by Conservative Councillors Ken Norman and Carol Theobold, council officers will now bring a report with fully costed options and timetable to the next environment, transport and sustainability committee for consideration in October.
Francis Incorvaja, proprietor of the Rotunda Café said “This is fantastic news and will make such a difference in the park particularly to parents with young children and babies.”
Lee Wares said “I very much appreciate the unanimous support of councillors who recognised that this type of regeneration is not only vital for the city but essential for the thousands of residents and visitors to the park.
“I will continue to pursue the matter through to the next committee when I hope councillors will again unanimously approve the implementation of this much needed scheme.”