By Jenni Davidson
Residents and businesses in Brighton and Hove are being invited to give their views on a new action plan for Shoreham Harbour.
The draft plan, which sets out proposals for the area’s regeneration over the next 15 years, includes proposals for around 1,450 homes, new employment space and upgraded flood defences.
It also provides for improvements to transport infrastructure, public spaces, community and leisure facilities, and for the conservation of environmental and historic features.
The plan covers an area from Hove Lagoon to the new Adur Ferry Bridge in Shoreham.
It has been drawn up jointly by Brighton & Hove City Council, Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council, working closely with Shoreham Port Authority.
Shoreham Port is the largest commercial port between Southampton and Dover and the closest Channel port to London.
It employs approximately 1,700 people and a further 1,000 work in the surrounding area.
Councillor Jason Kitcat, leader of Brighton & Hove City Council, said: “Shoreham Port is unique to our area and plays an important part in the local economy.
“We are working together to realise its potential for the benefit of residents and businesses.
“The Plan encourages high quality, sustainable development that will make best use of resources to provide homes and jobs.”
Consultation opened yesterday and will continue until Friday 25 April.
Responses received during the consultation will help the local authorities identify areas for further work and ensure that communities can influence plans for the future.
The final plan will be submitted to the government next year.
Copies of the Draft Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan are available in public buildings in Shoreham, Southwick, Fishersgate, Portslade and Hove.
They can also be viewed online at