A Brighton MP’s bill to crack down on the misuse of blue badges is a step nearer to becoming law.
Simon Kirby, the Conservative MP for Brighton Kemptown, said that he was delighted that his Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges Bill was passed unanimously by a House of Commons committee.
The bill also made it through the committee stage unamended yesterday (Wednesday 5 September).

Mr Kirby said: “I am delighted that my bill is one step closer to becoming law and look forward to the ‘third reading’ (the bill’s final stage) in the House.
“I have been overwhelmed by the level of support for my bill from my parliamentary colleagues from all parties, local authorities up and down the country, and disability organisations from across the UK.
“It was a very constructive discussion with helpful contributions from a number of my parliamentary colleagues and I hope to take this bill forward into the statute book in due course.”