A Conservative councillor has called on an ill member of the ruling Green group on Brighton and Hove City Council to stand down.
Councillor Dawn Barnett said that she liked Councillor Amy Kennedy and thought that she was a good councillor but that her long-term absence was unfair on voters.
She said that Councillor Kennedy had not taken part in a council meeting since Thursday 3 November and that members could be forced out after six months’ absence.
She said that Councillor Kennedy had turned up to one meeting since falling ill with tuberculosis but she had just signed in and then left without even taking her seat.
Councillor Kennedy represents Preston Park ward with two fellow Greens – Councillor Leo Littman and Councillor Mike Jones.

Councillor Littman said: “Amy has shown enormous dedication to her work as a councillor and her ward residents.
“Everywhere we go residents ask us to pass on their get well wishes and even cards and presents.
“Several Conservative councillors have also sent cards.
“It is sad that one of their colleagues has now chosen to pick on her, as she is gradually recovering from a life-threatening illness.
“During Amy’s recovery she has been enormously supportive to Mike and me as her less experienced ward colleagues, advising us on many aspects of ward work.”
Councillor Barnett said: “I feel very sorry for Amy. I’ve got every sympathy because she’s ill.
“If I was ill for a long time I would step down so my residents could be properly represented.
“Amy’s a young woman. She could stand again in 2015.”
The Hangleton and Knoll councillor said that one of her former colleagues had been forced out of his seat in Goldsmid ward in Hove even though he, too, had been unwell.
She said: “Paul Lainchbury was hounded by the Green Party when he was ill.
“It’s double standards. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
“The Greens don’t want a by-election because they came last in Westbourne (out of the three main parties in Brighton and Hove).”
Councillor Littman said: “The suggestion that residents are not being represented is laughable.
“This is nothing more than a politically motivated attack on a woman who is working hard to overcome a serious medical condition.
“We all hope Amy will soon return to work. She has been missed.”
Cllr. Dawn Barnett said that one of her former colleagues had been forced out of his seat in Goldsmid ward in Hove even though he, too, had been unwell. She said: “Paul Lainchbury was hounded by the Green Party when he was ill. “It’s double standards. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”
According to the Argus (4th June 2009): Mr Lainchbury was criticised after he missed every committee meeting for a year. He said the impact of the recession on his business meant he had been unable to dedicate enough time to council work. In his letter of resignation he wrote: “I must focus on my own business in order to protect my livelihood”
Is Cllr. Barnett suggesting that missing meetings to focus on your business is the same as missing meetings because you are suffering from a debilitating, contagious, life-threatening disease?
Best wishes,
Cllr. Leo Littman: Green Party, Preston Park ward