Two care homes in Hove have had their futures put on a steadier financial footing after the company that owned them went bust.
Southern Cross ran Bon Accord in New Church Road, Hove, and The Downs in Laburnum Avenue, Hangleton.
The company is having to sell its businesses after it could no longer afford to pay its rents.
Today Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust took over the running of The Downs – formerly The Downs Christian Nursing Home.
The home also has a new landlord, a private company called Gatelodge Estates Ltd.
On Friday 30 September Bon Accord was taken over by Four Seasons Health Care, one of the biggest care home operators in Britain.
Four Seasons already runs Dane House in Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton.
The company has had its share of difficulties over recent years too, with a financial rescue two years ago and further questions about its stability raised earlier this year.
Despite debts of £700 million the company said that it was financially robust.
Sussex Partnership said that its takeover of The Downs would secure the jobs of 50 staff and the care provided for 25 patients.
Neil Waterhouse, service director at Sussex Partnership, said: “The Downs Nursing Home is well regarded for the care and compassion it offers to residents.
“We are delighted that the home will stay open and that we have secured its future under the umbrella of Sussex Partnership.
“Sussex Partnership specialises in helping some of the most vulnerable people in society.
“We bring these values and this experience to The Downs Nursing Home as it enters this new phase in its history.”
Sussex Partnership provides specialist NHS mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services in and beyond Sussex.
Its premises include the Nevill Hospital which is in the same building as The Downs Nursing Home.
The trust said that by taking over the lease of the entire premises it had also secured the long-term future of the Nevill Hospital building.
I think its important that information on how to access social care services is made more easily available. It can be very hard to find a good local nursing home or domiciliary care agency. I speak from personal experience on this.