The Co-op has been granted a drinks licence for its new store in Western Road, Hove.
The supermarket has bought the old Providence pub and applied to sell alcoholic drinks there from 8am to 11pm every day.
The shop will be open from 6am to 11pm every day and will compete with, among others, a nearby Tesco and two Sainsbury’s.
Nine small traders wrote to Brighton and Hove City Council to object to a licence being granted.
They were concerned that the Co-op would undercut existing stores on price, making the area more attractive to street drinkers.
The site is in a part of the city that has been declared a “special stress area” and may become part of the “cumulative impact area”.
In these areas the rules around premises being granted a licence are tougher.
Sussex Police also raised objections but, after talks with the Co-op’s lawyers, conditions were agreed.
The licensing panel agreed with the conditions which included
- No adverts for alcoholic drinks in the front window or on A-boards outside the shop
- No super-strength beers, lagers or ciders to be sold
- Installation and operation of digital CCTV cameras
- All drinks to be more than 6m from the shop’s public entrance except drinks kept behind a checkout counter
- Staff to challenge anyone who looks under 25 for proof of age
- Staff to be given training about their responsibilities
It is a great shame that the Greens have let this through, even after all their election promises to fight these applications