Firefighters are looking for volunteers from Brighton and Hove to lend a helping hand.
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said that volunteers could, for example, help with role-playing at training activities.
They could also provide support to those at a greater risk of fires and road accidents.
Fire chiefs started a volunteer scheme, mainly in the Wealden district of East Sussex, where there are a number or rural fire stations.
But the success of the scheme has encouraged them to extend it to the rest of the county and to Brighton and Hove.
There are three fire stations in the city – at Preston Circus and Roedean Road in Brighton and English Close in Hove.
Claire Harris, volunteer recruitment and support officer, said: “Volunteering with East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service is a rewarding experience.
“Volunteers can use their skills and knowledge to support the work of the fire service in a myriad of ways, for example, by attending community events and talking to the public about free home safety visits, supporting staff at fire station open days or acting as role-players at training activities.
“These examples are just a ‘taster’ of the activities our volunteers can get involved with.
“Our volunteers are encouraged to suggest ways they feel they can help support their local communities, especially those more vulnerable who may be at additional risk of fires and road traffic accidents.
“We’re holding a volunteering event at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill on Wednesday 1 June between 1.30pm and 5pm.
“This is a free event, so please come along to find out more and meet a current volunteer who can tell you about their experiences.”
Anyone interested in joining the Community Volunteers Scheme but unable to attend the event in Bexhill can call Claire Harris on 01323 462837 or email