The four main political parties have signed up to the idea of Brighton and Hove becoming an “open data” city.
A movement – called Open Data Brighton and Hove – has been campaigning for the idea which involves sharing information more freely to improve life for everyone in the area.
The group has been urging candidates in the local elections on Thursday 5 May to support a statement of intent. It says:
“We support efforts to transform Brighton and Hove into an open-data city – a community in which all publicly funded organisations strive to engage with citizens to build a more creative, prosperous and accountable city.
“We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure Brighton and Hove City Council takes the lead in soliciting the ideas, input and creative energy of all our citizens.
“We believe the value of public data is greatest when it is freely and openly shared, without unnecessary licensing restrictions.
“We envisage a city in which every individual and business can use and re-purpose public data to help create a more vibrant and sustainable future, with more efficient public services, more effective voluntary organisations, and more enterprising private businesses.
“We are convinced the creation of an open data Brighton and Hove will not only increase public participation and economic activity but also promote transparency and accountability.
“As a result, we believe an open data Brighton and Hove will be a better-informed, more openly democratic, inclusive city.”
More information can be found on the open data blog at or on Twitter @OpendataCities.
A leading proponent of the idea, Greg Hadfield, said: “All four main parties have now formally endorsed the call for an open data Brighton and Hove and are, I believe, happy to put their names to the statement.”