Students and school pupils are planning another march to build on the momentum of the protests held two days ago in Brighton and elsewhere.
The next demonstration will take place on Tuesday (30 November) starting from the Old Steine at 1.30pm.
Protesters plan to march to Hove Town Hall and have set up a Facebook page about the event which is to demonstrate opposition to higher tuition fees and education spending cuts.
One of the organisers, Jon Redford, said: “Thank you to everyone for attending the demonstration on Wednesday (24 November).
“The response was much larger than we expected while organising it.
“If anyone doubted that we can build a movement against the cuts and fees, Wednesday was their answer.
“Another protest has been called for Tuesday, starting at the Old Steine at 1.30pm and marching to Hove Town Hall.
“This movement will not go away.
“We need to build groups in our schools and colleges that are debating the issues and preparing for the struggles to come, especially in the new year.
“Everyone who came on the demo on Wednesday, and who will come on Tuesday, should see themselves as an activist and organiser within their own school/college, linked up with all the others across the city and further out than that.
“Already in Wales they have refused to cut EMA (education maintenance allowance).
“Let’s bring that victory and much more to England.”
The Brighton Stop the Cuts Coalition, which supported the protest march on Wednesday, criticised Sussex Police, saying: “The huge turnout, the most we have seen for decades, showed the anger that thousands of young people feel.
“The demo was lively but good natured and got a very positive response from the public.
“The Stop the Cuts Coalition has concerns about how, later on in the day, the police took a heavy-handed approach towards the students which was not warranted and put young people at risk.
“Chants of ‘we are peaceful, why aren’t you?’ summed up the message of the overwhelming majority of the students.
“The Stop the Cuts Coalition has worked productively with the police force in the past and we hope we can do so again particularly as the police themselves are facing large cuts from this government.”
The police defended their tactics saying that a group of people had hijacked the demo and caused criminal damage and disorder.
Pupils frm Varndean and Dorothy Stringer have already said on Facebook that they intend to attend the next demo.
About half the 2,500 prtoesters on Wednesday were estimated to be schoolchildren.
Many have already been spoken to about their unauthorised absence from school and some are believed to have been threatened with suspension – or exclusion – if they skip school next Tuesday.
I am a student from Steyning Grammar School and I would like to know what we could do to join and fight back.Let me know and we pass on to other student that information thank you.