Shoreham Airshow – which raises money for a service charity – has had requests for refunds because of bad weather.
The air show raises money for the Royal Air Forces Association, which supports ex-airmen and women.
This year’s show was affected by rain and a glider crash, which the pilot survived.
But a number of displays could not take place, prompting a minority to ask for their money back.
The air show organisers said that the weather was the worst they had faced in the 21 years since the event began.
They pointed out that tickets and the show’s official website both clearly state that the £14 tickets are non-refundable.
They added: “We would like to thank all of our air show visitors for their kind patience over the weekend.
“We have received lots of positive feedback following what proved to be a very difficult weekend with the weather conditions that affected our flying displays so significantly.
“Your presence ensures that much-needed funds will be donated to the Royal Air Forces Association Wings Appeal.”
The weather conditions at the show, held on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 August, did produce some memorable photographs including this one from Shauna Woodrup.