Trefor Hunter has been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the St Peter’s and North Laine by election.
Trefor has lived in Brighton since 1982, and been an active member of the community for over 30 years.
He wants to implement a 20 mile per hour speed limit in the residential roads immediately and to improve the traffic flows around the Steine to minimise queues of buses and visitors every weekend. Trefor said: “The environmental damage caused by miles of queues every weekend must be sorted out. The noise and particle pollution is terrible and I will work tirelessly to find a solution to this mess.”
Mr Hunter also wants to encourage small businesses and traders who make up the life-blood of North Laine. He said: “The council must do more to help the smaller traders in our city, the North Laine traders need practical help to ensure that this area flourishes. I would implement a business waste re-cycling service, including anaerobic re-cycling, at no cost to local traders. This would save them having to buy expensive permits from third party contractors and encourage greener business operation.”
He would also urge the council to work with the Woodland Trust to use Stanmer Nursery to cultivate and grow thousands of trees to be sited on semi-arable sites on the downland, and increase the number of schools in the city.
He joins Labour’s Tom French and the Green Party’s Lizzie Deane in contesting the seat.