With the election just days away now, Brighton’s bloggers have been providing some of the most interesting coverage.
There’s been a huge amount of attention focused on Brighton Pavilion – but when it comes to interviewing voters, most have concentrated on those living in the city centre.
The Argus’s blogger and community correspondent Claire Banks decided to ask how residents in the constituency’s more outlying areas are intending to vote on Thursday.
Although the floating voter in Hanover she speaks to says she’s leaning towards the Greens, in Patcham and Coldean residents are less affected by the Green buzz.
The four voters they interview there are splitting their vote between Labour and the Tories – one voter in each suburb.
However, when you get closer to the city centre again, the story told by election posters shows a swing back to the Greens.
In this map by Sarah Booker of pictures she took while walking round the city, the mass of green pins around Preston Circus and Seven Dials tells its own story.
She has also created a Flickr set of the pictures here.
Finally, the News from Brighton blogger has interviewed the main Brighton candidates in both Pavilion and Kemptown on a variety of issues. Their answers can be seen here.
I’m voting Lava-Tory…