A Hove mini market has had its premises licence revoked after it was caught selling booze to underage children and smuggled and fake goods.
After receiving reports of underage alcohol sales, trading standards officers visited the Pharaoh Mini Market in Portland Road
They discovered illegal alcohol – and there was also concern about the clear breaches of licence conditions and the general poor state of the premises which undermined public safety, and licence holder Magdi Ayaad Elyas’s attitude.
After hearing their concerns, Brighton and Hove City Council’s licensing panel decided to withdraw its licence.
In a letter to the panel, a trading standards officer said: “The management of this business falls below the standard that we would expect of a responsible licensed premises especially in view of the significant amount of illegal alcohol which was discovered on the premises and the premises licence holder’s attitude towards his obligations under the Licensing Act.”
Tim Nichols, head of licensing said: “It is imperative that licence holders appreciate the obligations of their licence and ensure that their business operates to the within the conditions stated and indeed within the law. These premises demonstrated the holder’s complete disregard of the requirements and we could not allow him to continue to sell alcohol. I’m delighted that the panel has agreed and revoked his licence.”
The licence was revoked on Friday 23 April on the grounds that the licensing objectives of Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety and Protection of Children from Harm had been compromised, and lack of confidence in the management.