Detective are hoping this distinctive tattoo could help identify a man’s body pulled from the sea at Brighton last week.

It is believed the body had been at sea for as long as three months, and his clothing suggests he was either a kite surfer or dingy sailor.
However, the most distinct identification is the tattoo on the front of his right upper thigh.
Brighton and Hove coroner’s officer, Tony Beldam, describes it as a church with three gargoyles running below it.
The man, aged between 25 and 35, was spotted last Monday at Hove at 11.30am but high winds and severe waves meant coastguards could not get his body ashore until about 1pm. By this time, he had drifted almost as far as Brighton Marina.
He was 5ft 11in weighed 76kgs, and was wearing a ‘shortie’ wet suit, two tone blue in colour, a black t-shirt (XL in size) and blue combat style trousers with padded knees.
The trousers have a French label in them reading ‘Outiror Pantalon de Bricolage Taille 42/44’.
Anyone with information should call Mr Beldam on 01273 665525.